Resep dalam Bhs İndonesia ada di bagian bawah.
Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey.
Today post is my childhood meal. Me and siblings grew up with this dish. My mom or my grandmother usually cooked this for us. İt's mix vegetable (curry-look alike) cook in coconut milk. Most often tofu or tempeh also mixed in it. And if we have enough money (at that time) to buy shrimps, my mom or grandma also putted some small shrimp in it.
This Called sayur lodeh ( or in Javanese language calls Jangan Lodeh). Javanese curry-like dish, content with various vegetables, like eggplant, chayote, zucchini, young green jackfruit, bamboo shoot, yardlong bean, green bean, corn and so on. Just any left over vegetable you have in your fridge can be added.
And for protein addition we add some tofu, tempeh or shrimp.
İt is so simple and cheap. That the reason why this was most repeatable menu in our house during my childhood.
We eat this with plain steamed rice, adding sambal terasi is a must. Together with fried protein - like fish or chicken- as side dish, this is the most humble and so traditional of Indonesian food. And forget to mention it's vegan and healthy.
What you need:
Blend this to paste:
Selam everybody...... Merhaba from Turkey.
Today post is my childhood meal. Me and siblings grew up with this dish. My mom or my grandmother usually cooked this for us. İt's mix vegetable (curry-look alike) cook in coconut milk. Most often tofu or tempeh also mixed in it. And if we have enough money (at that time) to buy shrimps, my mom or grandma also putted some small shrimp in it.
This Called sayur lodeh ( or in Javanese language calls Jangan Lodeh). Javanese curry-like dish, content with various vegetables, like eggplant, chayote, zucchini, young green jackfruit, bamboo shoot, yardlong bean, green bean, corn and so on. Just any left over vegetable you have in your fridge can be added.
And for protein addition we add some tofu, tempeh or shrimp.
İt is so simple and cheap. That the reason why this was most repeatable menu in our house during my childhood.
We eat this with plain steamed rice, adding sambal terasi is a must. Together with fried protein - like fish or chicken- as side dish, this is the most humble and so traditional of Indonesian food. And forget to mention it's vegan and healthy.
What you need:
Blend this to paste:
- 6 cloves of garlic
- 6-7 small shallots or 1 small yellow onion will do
- 3-4 toasted candlenut
- 3 tsp coriander seed
- 1 or 2 daun salam (İndonesian bay leaf)
- 2 cm galangal, lightly pound
- 3-4 red chilipepper, sliced
- 3-4 green chili pepper or banana chili pepper, sliced
- some birdeye chili pepper as your taste
- 1 stalk green onion, roughly cut
- coconut milk about 1,5 lt (İ dilute 1 can; 400 ml coconut cream to 1.5 lt)
- tempe and or tofu, cubed (you can add small shrimp as well if you want)
- 2 to 3 Tbsp cooking oil
- salt and sugar per tasted
- fried shallot for sprinkle on top
Any vegetables; here İ use eggplant, corn, green bean, zucchini and chayote squash 1 each. All roughly chunk.
How to cook:
1) İn a big pot, stir fry spice paste, galangal, bay leaf and all peppers for few minutes. Add in tofu, tempeh or shrimp (if using), cook for few minutes.
2) Add in coconut milk followed by vegetables. İ add the most longest time to cook vegetables first before adding one that quick to cook (here İ add zucchini before İ turn off the heat). Add 2 tsp salt and pinch of sugar and check the taste. Cook to boil. Turn off the heat and add in green onion and fried shallot.
Ready to serve.
Assalamu'alaykum.... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Kalau di Jawa kita sebutnya ini "jangan lodeh". Sayur lodeh ini isinya variatif sekali dan tiap daerah punya ciri masing-masing ya. Tapi intinya berisi aneka sayuran yang dimasak dengan santan. Kadang ada tambahan tahu, tempe atau udang kecil.
Saya ingat sekali waktu kecil, makan sayur ini sama kerupuk aja, sudah habisin nasi sebakul. Apalagi yang masak ibu atau simbah... waahh..jadi kangen deh 😔
Ya udah...ngobatin kangen masakan ibu, kali ini masak makanan yang mungkin hampir tiap hari ya dulu ibu atau mbsh uti bikinnya, murah, cepat dan sehat lho! 😊
Sayur Lodeh
Aneka sayuran yang dipotong potong sesuai selera. Disini saya biasanya pakai sayur yang ada sesuai musim saja. Misalnya sekarang ada jagung, terong, buncis, labu siam dan labu putih.
Bumbu Halus:
- 6 siung bawang putih
- 6-7 siung bawang merah
- 3-4 kemiri sangrai
- 3 sdt ketumbar
- sedikit minyak untuk menumis
- 1-2 lembar daun salam
- 2 cm lengkuas digeprak
- 3-4 cabe merah diiris serong
- 3-4 cabe hijau diiris serong
- cabe rawit sesuai selera
- 1 batang daun bawang diris kasar
- santan (kerleb 1,5 lt)
- tahu dan tempe.
- 1-2 sdt garam atau sesuai selera
- sedikit gula
- bawang goreng untuk taburan

Cara membuat:
1) Tumis bumbu halus bersama lengkuas, daun salam, semua cabe beberapa menit, lalu masukkan tahu dan tempe. Bisa juga udang kecil jika pakai, tumis beberapa menit.
2) Masukkan santan (yang encer dulu), bumbuhi garam dan gula sedikit. Masukkan sayuran. Saya masukkan sayuran yang lebih lama matangnya; misal jagung, lalu sayuran yang cepat matang. Biarkan mendidih lalu masukkan santan kentalnya dan potongan daun bawang, cicipi rasanya.
3)Matikan api dan sayur lodeh siap dihidangkan.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.