Resep dalam Bhs Indonesia ada di bagian bawah
Then İ finally manage having fun in kitchen yet still can play with my kid. İ sometimes bring her to the kitchen to help me - of course an easy part for her 😍
You can see some pictures post of her during makes cake or cookies with me 😊
And now İ found new way to cook fast and serve various menus for my family-- İ make some spices mixture or spice sauce in advance!
You should check my Yemeni spice Hawaij mix and Turkish spice mix (baharat karışımı) İ posted previously.
And also İ make some frozen friendly recipe --if you are my regular readers you should probably notice that 😃
Check my homemade chicken nugget, shrimps cake "dragon feet", chicken kebab, cheesy chicken balls and more.
Today İ am going to share my new fave spice; Portuguese Piri Piri sauce.
Chicken and poultry are most repeatable protein source in our house so this piri piri sauce is one from many other chicken meal served on our dinner table.
So here my Piri Piri sauce recipe.
Make about 2 x 350 ml (enough for 3-4 kg chicken/ poultry)
2) Cut chilies into smaller part and put in medium pan together with other ingredients. Simmer over medium heat about 6 minute or so. Let it cool at room temperature before blend them into purée. İ prefer blend my spice not too smooth.
3) The Piri Piri sauce now ready to use. Keep it in clean jar and store in refrigerator. İt will keep about a month or two. Shake it well before use. You even can freeze it- just defrost to room temperature before use.
Have a try 😊

Selam everybody..... Merhaba from Türkiye.
İ love to cook. A lot!
When İ was single, even İ lived alone İ tried to cook for my self when İ wasn't too tired from work. Or İ cooked mostly at weekend together with my friends.
And early time I married my husband, İ spent most of my time in kitchen.
Experimented and tried some new recipes İ never cooked before. More over İ should learn how to cook Turkish food for my husband. So kitchen is my new office after İ got married.
Then there come new phase in my life when İ had my baby. İ couldn't stay in my kitchen as much as before.
Things got changed. İ increased my new interest on sewing and crocheting-and my kitchen schedule less and less for new experiment except fast and easy daily meal for us.
Busy in kitchen still my biggest yearning. So as my kid getting bigger, İ try to be busy trial and error for new recipe in the kitchen ( İ finally succeed bake macarons! ... yay! 😄)
But still İ need to lessen my time in kitchen cause my kid need more attention and more my present.
Then İ finally manage having fun in kitchen yet still can play with my kid. İ sometimes bring her to the kitchen to help me - of course an easy part for her 😍
You can see some pictures post of her during makes cake or cookies with me 😊
And now İ found new way to cook fast and serve various menus for my family-- İ make some spices mixture or spice sauce in advance!
You should check my Yemeni spice Hawaij mix and Turkish spice mix (baharat karışımı) İ posted previously.
And also İ make some frozen friendly recipe --if you are my regular readers you should probably notice that 😃
Check my homemade chicken nugget, shrimps cake "dragon feet", chicken kebab, cheesy chicken balls and more.
Today İ am going to share my new fave spice; Portuguese Piri Piri sauce.
Chicken and poultry are most repeatable protein source in our house so this piri piri sauce is one from many other chicken meal served on our dinner table.
So here my Piri Piri sauce recipe.
Make about 2 x 350 ml (enough for 3-4 kg chicken/ poultry)
- 350 gr fresh red chili seeded ( sometimes İ use kapia chili or bell pepper )
- some bird eye chili (skip or lessen for non spicy version)
- 30 gr garlic (about 1 big bulb)
- ± 1½ tsp salt
- 1 tsp brown sugar
- 1 tbsp dried oregano or thyme
- 1 tbsp smoke paprika
- ± 2 tsp Cayenne pepper
- 2-3 tbsp lemon juice + zest from 1 lemon
- 200 ml olive oil
- 100 ml (6 tbsp) apple vinegar (İ use grape vinegar sometimes)
1) Roast fresh red chili or kapia chili on stove just until wilt, be careful not to burnt too much. Or in pre heated oven at 190°C for about 10 minutes.
2) Cut chilies into smaller part and put in medium pan together with other ingredients. Simmer over medium heat about 6 minute or so. Let it cool at room temperature before blend them into purée. İ prefer blend my spice not too smooth.
3) The Piri Piri sauce now ready to use. Keep it in clean jar and store in refrigerator. İt will keep about a month or two. Shake it well before use. You even can freeze it- just defrost to room temperature before use.
Have a try 😊

Assalamu'alaykum..... Merhaba dari Türkey.
Kali ini saya ingin bagikan salah satu resep bumbu siap pakai favorite saya, yaitu Piri Piri sauce.
Mungkin ada yang sudah ngerti Piri piri sauce ini apa dan bagaimana, tapi mungkin ada juga yang belum ngerti atau belum pernah dengar sebelumnya ya.... 😊
Piri piri sauce adalah salah satu bumbu yang biasa digunakan untuk membuat ayam bakar piri piri (Piri Piri chicken) atau lainnya.
Original dari Portugis tapi juga lazim dan umum ditemui di beberapa negara Afrika, mulai Angola, Namibia hingga Afrika selatan.
Kekhasan Piri Piri ini adalah rasa pedas dan asam dengan aroma "smoky" dari smoke paprika dalam ramuan bumbu piri piri ini.
Karena di rumah sering sekali bikin piri piri chicken grilled atau ayam bakar bumbu piri piri ini, maka saya suka bikin bumbu siap pakai ini dengan stock yang bisa dipakai berkali-kali.
Cobain deh.... pasti suka juga. Sesuia kok dengan lidah İndonesia kita. Ssstt....kadang saya makannya pakai dipenyet di sambal bawang..... hıhıhıhhıı....

menjadi kurleb 700 ml
- 350 gr cabe merah besar (kadang saya pakai bell pepper atau kapia chili )
- cabe merah keriting atau cabe rawit sesuaikan pedasnya selera masing-masing
- 30 grbawang putih
- ± 1½ sdt garam
- 1 sdt gula pasir atau gula palem
- 1 sdm oregano atau thyme
- 1 sdm smoke paprika bubuk
- ± 2 bubuk Cayenne pepper atau bubuk cabe kering juga bisa
- 2-3 sdm lemon juice + parutan kulit jeruk 1 buah
- 200 ml minyak zaitun (jika tidak ada bisa juga pakai minyak sayur kok)
- 100 ml (6 sdm) cuka apel atau cuka masak (kadang saya pai cuka anggur juga)
Cara membuat:
1) Bakar cabe merah besar diatas api langsung atau di wajan panggang hingga layu tapi jangan terlalu gosong ya. Atau bisa juga di bakar dalam oven yang sudah dipanaskan 190°C dan panggang kurleb 10 mnt.
2) Potong-potong kasar cabe merah yang sudah dipanggang tadi dan masukkan ke dalam panci bersama bahan yang lain. Masak hingga mendidih kurleb 6 menit. Angkat dan diamkan hingga suhu ruang.
Blender/ haluskan. Saya suka bumbu piri piri saya tidak terlalu halus banget, sesuai selera ya.
3) Sauce piri piri siap dipakai atau disimpan. Gunakan toples bertutup yang sudah disterilkan dengan air panas untuk menyimpan dan simpan dalam lemari es. Atau bisa juga di simpan dalam freezer lho, cukup cairkan hingga suhu ruang sebelum dipakai.
Kocok/ aduk dulu sebelum pakai.
Silahkan mencoba. Semoga bermanfaat.
Check my other posts:
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Homemade Teriyaki Sauce store bought copycat |
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Homemade Pumpkin Pie |
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Yemeni Spice Hawaij |