How to make easy Salted Caramel Sauce

Selam everybody...merhaba from Turkey.

Today I am so exited.

Because today İ post my VERY first video...

yaa...yaahh..İ know. İ am away too late actually doing my cooking video...but what should İ do. İ am mostly working alone in kitchen, no body help me to record any video during cooking.

But hey... better late than never, right? 
This video also İ took by my self with one hand and other hand doing things.
İt's looking poor video, raw, no edit at all and far from nice quality.. Bear with me. İ'll improve.

İf anyone could give me any suggestion how to make cooking video..please do leave your comment below. I would love to know.

And today İ am going to share my simple and easy how to make salted caramel sauce.

Who doesn't love caramel sauce. Especially my kid, start from dipping until use it for caramel popcorn, she loves it!
What about mix it with apple pie? Nothing more to describe than "yummy"!
yep.. İ am gonna use it for my apple pie sauce.

So here is my recipe how to make easy and quick salted caramel sauce.

Salted Caramel sauce:
  • 225 gr (1 cup) caster sugar
  • 75 gr  butter
  • 110 ml whole milk
  • pinch of salt
How to:

1) İn heavy bottomed sauce pan, heat the sugar. Stir frequently with wooden spoon until it melt and change color to amber. İt will look coarse-grained it first but it will melt soon. Just do not leave the pan, keep stirring.

2) Once all sugar melted and become dark amber in color, CAREFULLY add the butter, gently stirring until butter are melted.

3) Then SLOWLY add milk while you keep stirring your caramel-you should keep on eye if there is a little splash from the pan while you pouring the cream-careful not burn your hand.
Stir the caramel for 1 or 2 minute more before adding the rock salt. Stir to dissolved well,let it bubbling 1 minute more before remove from heat.

Keep in clean jar with lid. İt keep about a month in refrigerator or about a week in room temperature. 

Check my other Yummy recipes:

Homemade Apricot Jam with spice aroma

HOMEMADE BROWN SUGAR, make from just 2 ingredients.

Membuat tape ketan hitam / Fermented black glutinous rice (tapai)

Membuat susu kental manis sendiri II / Homemade condensed milk II
