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Selam , Merhaba from Turkiye.
İ am making this pineapple jam for filling my Eid cookies- as our tradition- İndonesian Nastar or pineapple tart cookies. İf you are my regular reader or if you check my cookies category, you should already know that İ made pineapple tart cookies almost like dozen times which you can check here, here, here, or here.
Those only few, besides pineapple jam filling you can also vary with cheese filling, chocolate or homemade apple jam filling. Please do check my "COOKİES" category and find my 40+ cookies collection.
This homemade thick pineapple jam is made for cookies filling, if you want to use as spread you can make it slightly runny.
Selam , Merhaba from Turkiye.
İ am making this pineapple jam for filling my Eid cookies- as our tradition- İndonesian Nastar or pineapple tart cookies. İf you are my regular reader or if you check my cookies category, you should already know that İ made pineapple tart cookies almost like dozen times which you can check here, here, here, or here.
Those only few, besides pineapple jam filling you can also vary with cheese filling, chocolate or homemade apple jam filling. Please do check my "COOKİES" category and find my 40+ cookies collection.
This homemade thick pineapple jam is made for cookies filling, if you want to use as spread you can make it slightly runny.
- 3-4 big sized ripe pineapple
- 400-500 gr sugar (depends on how sweet you wanna go)
- 1 stick cinnamon
- 2 cloves
- 1 star anise
- pinch of salt
How to:
1) Peel and rinse pineapple then cut into chunks. Use a food processor to blend it until smooth. You may do in batches.
2) Place pineapple pureé in magic jar/rice cooker, add 1 stick of cinnamon, star anise, cloves and pinch of salt. And push "cook" button.
Note: İf you don't have magic jar /rice cooker, just simply cook it on heavy bottomed pan over medium-high heat. Stir occasionally to prevent burning at the bottom, until reduce water content.
3) The "cook" button will up to "warm" sign once pineapple pureé slightly dry and the color became darker (see pic #4).
4) Remove from the magic jar and put on a wide pan. Add sugar then continue to cook on stove over medium heat. Stir continuously until no more water in the jam (see pic #6).
Note: İf you don't want too thick, you can stop cooking until pic #5.
Keep the jam into airtight jar. Use for tart filling or topping.
Assalamu'alaykum.... Merhaba dari Turki.
Beberapa kali posting nastar isi selai nanas, tapi baru kali ini bisa bikin postingan selai nanasnya. Ya udah langsung ke resepnya aja ya... ntar keburu lebaran... hihihihi... 😃
Kali ini bikin selai nanasnya di magic jar, lumayan ngirit tenaga aduk-aduk didepan kompor. Tinggal klik tombol masak, biarin sampe tombol "warm" naik baru kemudian saya pindah ke wajan lebar dan lanjutkan masak hingga mengering airnya.
- 3-4 nanas ukuran besar
- 400-500 gr gula pasir (sesuaikan manisnya sesuai selera, bisa dikurangi jika nanasnya manis)
- sejuput garam
- 1 batang kayu manis
- 1 bunga lawang (opsional-kadang saya gak pakai)
- 2 cengkeh
Cara membuat:
1) blender nanas hingga halus lalu masukan kedalam panci magic jar. Tambahkan kayu manis, sejumput garam, bunga lawang, dan cengkeh. Tekan tombol "cook" dan masak hingga air menyusut dan nail ke tombol "warm"
2) Setelah pindah ke tombol "warm" dan air menyusut hampir kering, pidahkan ke wajan datar. Tambahkan gula dan lanjutkan memasak diatas api sedang hingga air benar kering. Biasanya warna menjadi lebih gelap (oranye), Jika untuk isian nastar pastikan selai benar-benar tidak berair dan bisa dipulung.
Pindah dalam wadah bersih dan tutup rapat.
Selamat mencoba, semoga bermanfaat.
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Kue kering #nastar bentuk daun/ Leaf shape pineapple cookies |
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#Nastar Klasik / Indonesian classic pineapple tarts cookies |
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Black Nastar / Brown Pineapple bite |